Friday, September 28, 2007

My living arrangements...

Some pictures from my home!

My room... already messy... good thing I'm not sharing it with anyone!

Our kitchen. We don't have any pots or pans or anything... but it's nice to have, regardless. This morning, I turned on the stove and sort of held a croissant with cheese a few inches over it... Makeshift, but functional.

Chan's room- she sleeps a lot.

Jan's room... Her roommate has not been seen once since we moved in. Mysterious...

1 comment:

melychinthya said...

Hi! i know that you posted this about 5 years ago. But, i noticed that you had been living at Muak Dormitory. Do you still remember which dormitory were you? 1,2,4, oe 6?

I'll enter Yonsei Gradschool next term so im debating which dormitory i should stay in.

Anyway, thank you in advance!